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Money Laundering

Money Laundering Attorney West Palm Beach


Money laundering is defined as concealing the profits made from illegal activities such as drug, arms trafficking, and fraud.

Small chest full of stacked money

Money laundering is defined as concealing the profits made from illegal activities such as drug, arms trafficking, and fraud. Since 2020, 755 offenders were convicted and sentenced to federal prison under these laws.

Money laundering is a serious offense and you need a federal defense lawyer to look out for your interests. Here are some things we can do for you in these cases.

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Go Over the Evidence

Many times money laundering cases are based on circumstantial evidence. This means that you were named by an informant to law enforcement or the person that set up the scheme is implicated. The blame falls on you as the one that is benefiting from these transactions and there is no legal purpose for them

Situations like this require a criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach that knows what to do. We recommend calling and visiting with us about how we can help you. We will look at the evidence to see if you can be convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. Informants are a good start for law enforcement, but not enough to link you to the money.

Patrick McKamey is the number one federal defense lawyer. He is a former federal prosecutor and knows what to do to get the best results for you. You have rights under the law and we will help to protect them. You are entitled to due process and a fair trial.

Protect Your Character

Money laundering shows a trail of evidence to demonstrate a series of transactions where you are the beneficiary. Sometimes, prosecutors will try to use your silence and body language to demonstrate your guilt with the paper trail.

These cases require a defense attorney that will go after their evidence and the assumptions they make about you. An excellent federal defense lawyer will demand more than just the trail of evidence. We will demonstrate that your character and integrity are being attacked by an overzealous prosecutor. 

If you are being charged with money laundering, we recommend contacting us right away.

The Law Office of McKamey & Williams has over 350 cases that went to trial and had successful outcomes for our clients. We have five-star reviews and are the best criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach. No one knows more about these statutes than our team of experienced, knowledgeable, and trained professionals.

Call Us Today and Let Us Help You!


These are some of the things we can do for you if you are facing money laundering charges. Call the Law Office of McKamey & Williams today at 561-220-6708 and see what we can do for you. Our office is located in West Palm Beach on North Flagler Drive, near the Palm Harbor Marina.

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