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Advice from the Best Drug Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A. > Attorney  > Advice from the Best Drug Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

Advice from the Best Drug Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

South Florida Attorney

Have you ever been driving along minding your own business, and then suddenly, the unsettling blare of a siren and disorienting red and blue lights pop up in your rearview mirror?  If you have illegal substances in the car, even just a small amount of marijuana, you may be thrown right into panic mode. And rightly so. You may be rushing around to stash your drugs just in case the officer, who may have just pulled you over for a broken tail light, decides to search your vehicle. Rest assured, our drug defense attorneys in West Palm Beach know a thing or two about what it takes to avoid a vehicle search.

How can I stop a police officer from searching my car?

At the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A., we offer the best criminal defense for your drug charge and more. It’s important to remember that you do have rights, and it’s essential to know how to defend those rights. The legal loopholes police officers often use to search cars for drugs and other illegal items are tough to decipher. It all begins with maintaining respect for the officer while calmly advocating for yourself. If you’ve been pulled over and an officer demands to search your vehicle, consider handling the situation like this:

  1. Pullover immediately and turn the car off when the officer approaches.
  2. Stay calm and keep your hands on the wheel unless instructed otherwise.
  3. Treat the officer respectfully and address him or her properly if necessary.
  4. Only retrieve your license and registration when the officer requests it.
  5. If it’s the evening, keep inside lights on so the officer can see into your vehicle.
  6. Make sure your car does not smell of drugs or alcohol (this creates probable cause to search it)
  7. When the officer asks to search your vehicle, politely say you do not consent.
  8. If the officer detains you, say that you are remaining silent, and you want a lawyer.

Do I have to consent to the search of my car?

If the officer persists for a search, continue saying that you are not resisting, but you do not consent to a search.  In our experience, by staying calm, cool, collected, and respectful, you’ll diminish the officer’s persistence to search your car. Remember, the officer can only search your vehicle with a warrant, probable cause, or with your consent. He or she may say, “Do you mind if I look around the car?” This may sound like a command, but it is really a question. You don’t have to consent, you have rights that keep you from incriminating yourself, and these rights also protect you from agreeing to unwanted vehicle searches.

If the officer searches your car and you are charged with possession of drugs or weapons, all is not lost. Our criminal and drug defense lawyer in West Palm Beach can fight for your rights. We’ll work to defend your best interests, helping to lessen or even eliminate any charges. Call the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A. today at (561) 370-7424 to see how the best drug defense attorney in West Palm Beach can help you.

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