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Can a DUI Defense Attorney Really Help Me After a DUI?

Can a DUI Defense Attorney Really Help Me After a DUI?

DUI Defense Attorney

If you’ve been arrested and charged with a DUI, it’s never a good thing. You’ve made a mistake and made the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking. Now you must face the consequences for your actions. When a person makes the choice to get behind the wheel with a few (or many) drinks in them, they always think they are going to be fine. However, drunk driving is never a good idea and it’s not taken lightly by officers or the courts. Thankfully, at our West Palm Beach law firm with qualified DUI defense attorneys, we know that mistakes are made and things happen. We also know that the moment after you realize what you’ve done, instant regret sets in and you wish for a second chance to make things right. That’s why we’re here to help you get back on track and into the life you had. When given a DUI charge, there are different consequence levels that you will be categorized into; depending on how often you’ve been pulled over for DUI related activity.  

– As a first-timer in the state of Florida, a DUI can mean serious fines, as well as a serious dedication of your time. Your driver’s license may be suspended and you may be forced to enroll in a DUI program. Community service is also a possibility, as well as 6-9 months of jail time.  

– For the second conviction, your license could be suspended from 180 days to 5 years. The DUI program is still on the table, and the fines go up to a potential $1,000 – $4,000. The duration of jail time also increases to 9 – 12 months.  

– A third conviction will result in the possible suspension of a license lasting up to 10 years and forced enrollment into a DUI class. The fines go up, yet again, to a whopping $2,000 to $5,000 and if a minor is in the car, $4,000 is the minimum. A person with a third DUI conviction will potentially spend at least one month in jail and depending on previous convictions, a full year. The vehicle will be impounded for 90 days.  

– Finally, the fourth conviction related to DUI activity will revoke the driver’s license for five years, a DUI program, a minimum fine of $2,000, and jail time reaching up to five years.  

Not only is a DUI an extraordinarily expensive crime, but it is also extremely time-consuming. This charge is not a light one, for the consequences of those actions can be severe. At the Law Office of McKamey & Williams, our DUI defense attorneys in West Palm Beach know how heavy this type of trial can be. There are so many uncertainties that lie within the process, and anyone facing DUI charges must be represented by attorneys who know these procedures well. We are skilled experts, and we help fight to get those lives back to normal and to provide a fresh start.  

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