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4 Reasons It’s Important To Work With a Local Criminal Attorney

Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A. > Criminal Defense Attorney  > 4 Reasons It’s Important To Work With a Local Criminal Attorney

4 Reasons It’s Important To Work With a Local Criminal Attorney

Defense attorney

Working with a criminal defense attorney is an investment in your future. However, some people might opt not to work with a local criminal attorney. Read on to find out why you should work with an experienced local firm like the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A.

They Know the Judges and Prosecutors

You want to make sure you have a defense lawyer who’s familiar with the judges and prosecutors in your area. This can be especially important if you live in a small town or county where everyone knows each other. Local criminal attorneys in Palm Beach will know how to navigate the system and build relationships with these people. A criminal defense lawyer in Palm Beach may even know some of them personally, which can help reduce stress as your case proceeds.

Local Attorneys Will Be More Available

Working with a local criminal lawyer means they will be more accessible than an out-of-state attorney. If you have questions about your case, you can call and speak to your Palm Beach criminal lawyer without waiting days or weeks for an answer. Local attorneys will also be able to visit you in jail or prison more easily than an out-of-state lawyer may be able to do so.

They Know Local Resources

To defend your rights, your lawyer needs to know all the available resources in your area. This includes court rules and procedures, police procedures, and local laws. Because they live in the community, local attorneys understand how everything works and can use this knowledge to protect their clients’ interests.

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, chances are good that any lawyer you speak with will be able to give you advice on how to proceed. However, if you live where the crime was committed, it is especially important to find a criminal defense lawyer in Palm Beach who knows the local resources and court system. This will help ensure that your case is handled properly from start to finish.


Jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court to hear a case. When you are charged with a crime, you have a right to hear your case in the court system where it happened. This can be important because if your attorney doesn’t know where the crime happened, they may not know all the legal rules and procedures that apply to your case.

If you are facing criminal charges like a DUI for something that happened in another state, it may not be possible for you to get a fair trial if you go before a judge or jury in that state. A local criminal defense lawyer in Beach would know how to file your case so that it could be heard locally, and there would be no conflict of interest between jurors and witnesses who have already been involved in it.

Patrick R. McKamey is a well-known criminal attorney in Palm Beach and handles many cases for people in South Florida. The most important thing to do for yourself if you are the victim or have been accused of a crime is to contact the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey today.

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