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3 Things to Do After Being Charged for a Drug Crime

Drug Lawyer West Palm Beach, FL | Drug Crimes Defense | Drug Attorney

Getting arrested is a whirlwind experience.  If you have never been arrested before but recently got taken in for a drug crime, then you probably are experiencing a lot of different emotions. At the top of the list is probably confusion.  You now are facing charges and probably have no idea what the next steps are.  This is completely normal as many people do not realize the extent of the situation until they get into it themselves. That is just one of the many reasons why having a drug lawyer in West Palm Beach is a necessity.  Without a lawyer, navigating the process is...

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Harsh Consequences of DUI Convictions in South Florida

DUI Attorney West Palm Beach, FL| DUI Lawyer | DUI Arrest Lawyer

Florida has some of the strictest DUI laws and penalties that result in some harsh consequences. DUI offenses cannot be expunged in the Sunshine State, and if convicted, the charge will be on your permanent record for 75 years - virtually your entire life. There is a wide range of DUI penalties, and they depend on many things, including the number of DUI offenses committed. A Florida judge may impose these DUI penalties, primarily depending on the number of DUI offenses you have committed because it dictates the maximum and minimum consequences of your conviction. Let's discuss the jail time, fines, and other...

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How to Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Palm Beach

Criminal Defense Attorney, West Palm Beach, FL | Criminal Defense Lawyer

Have you been charged with a criminal offense?  If so, you’re strongly advised to contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately. Even if you were charged with a seemingly minor offense, criminal charges should always be taken seriously.  Without the appropriate legal representation, even a misdemeanor can result in fines, jail time, and a criminal record.  Only time can erase a criminal record, but until then, it can hurt your chances of finding employment. As a result, perhaps the most important step is finding legal representation. Here are the steps to take when looking for a criminal defense lawyer. Find a lawyer who specializes in criminal...

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3 Qualities That Will Ensure Your White-Collar Case Success

Felony Lawyers West Palm Beach, FL | Felony Lawyer Near Me

Finding out that you are getting investigated for a white-collar crime is stressful. Whether you know you are guilty or have no clue why you are under the microscope, it's always a good idea to seek the help of felony lawyers. A lawyer can help you understand the potential consequences of committing a white-collar crime and help you prove your innocence. Or, if you are guilty, they can assist you by providing representation and fighting for a lesser punishment. However, as great as legal representation is, you want to ensure you seek the right legal team. In one Google search, you will...

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Here Are 3 Reasons Why Having a Criminal Defense Lawyer is Valuable

Criminal Defense Attorney, West Palm Beach, FL | Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you recently committed a crime, you will either get arrested or have already gotten arrested and charged. Both situations garner a lot of stress, frustration, and fear. No one knows what's going to happen next.  Will you get sentenced to jail time or prove your innocence?  The only way to have some certainty in this type of situation is to seek out help. A criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach can assist you with your case.  Whether you know you are in trouble or have already gotten charged, our team can build your case for you and provide representation.  Too many people...

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Here’s What You Need to Know After Being Charged With a Felony

Felony Lawyers West Palm Beach, FL | Felony Lawyers Near Me | Felony Attorney

Hearing that you are getting charged with a felony is a lot to take in. You might jump to conclusions and think your life is over.  How are you going to get a job?  How will you be able to earn a living? How do you get out of this? We all know the negative connotation that surrounds this word felony. But, not enough people know the full extent of what it means and how they can proceed after the fact. Here at the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A., our felony lawyers can help you out after you get charged with a...

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When to Hire a DUI Lawyer in West Palm Beach

DUI Attorney | DUI Lawyer

At The Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, we know that a DUI can be a life-changing charge that can follow you like a dark cloud. But, you don’t have to let this happen. Our attorneys are here to offer the best defense. When you’re facing a DUI, you need the best criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach. We’re here to help.   At The Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, we believe that our clients deserve the best assistance for their cases. We can help you fight a DUI Charge in West Palm Beach, working to defend your best interests....

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3 Ways a Drug Lawyer in West Palm Beach Can Help You

Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach

Getting wrapped up in drugs doesn't end well for many people. Some end up with addictions, while others thought they would have a fun night but instead get arrested. If you have found yourself under arrest for a drug-related crime, you're going to need a lawyer. Drug crimes are taken very seriously in the United States. Each state has different rules and laws regarding drug use; however, Florida is no-nonsense. With the help of a drug lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida, you will find that you can benefit in many ways. Here at the Law Offices of Patrick R....

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The Best Criminal Trial Attorney in West Palm Beach

Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm

Have you been accused of a crime and need the best criminal trial attorney in West Palm Beach? Maybe you don’t know how to go about finding the right one, or worse yet; you don’t think anyone can get you out of the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. The truth is that everyone deserves a second chance in life. And that means you deserve a fair trial.  You may have underestimated how you can win your case or at least get some of the charges lowered or settled out of court. At the Law Office of Patrick R, McKamey, our...

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Know The Facts: Texting While Driving & Traffic Homicide

Traffic Homicide Lawyer

In the amount of time it takes to send a text message while you are driving, you can easily collide with another vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian and cause what is known as a “traffic homicide”. That means that you could kill another human being and potentially even yourself because you chose to text while operating a vehicle. Putting the phone down while driving can save a life. If you’ve made the mistake to drive and text, don’t make yet another mistake by not hiring the best attorneys available at the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey. Most Floridians are well aware...

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