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I Got a DUI in West Palm Beach—Can I Fight It?

I Got a DUI in West Palm Beach—Can I Fight It?

Criminal Trial Attorney in West Palm Beach

DUI offenses continue to be one of the main causes of accidents and deaths in the state of Florida. Although in recent years, the numbers have thankfully shown some downtrend. It’s an unfortunate situation all around, one that spurs more and more driving school courses that essentially convey this simple advice–don’t drink and drive! Yet, so many drivers are out there on the road are intoxicated, choosing to ignore this state mandated mantra. It stands to reason that you don’t want to get caught drinking and driving in the state of Florida. If you do get caught, you could be facing some serious penalties depending on if you’re a firsttime offender or if you have multiple offenses.  If you were recently issued a DUI in West Palm Beach and are worried that your license may be suspended or revoked, you are not alone. More than 50,000 DUI’s were issued alone in Florida in 2018. Did you know that in the state of Florida, you may be able to drive your vehicle up until your court date? It’s important that you know what all of your rights are when preparing to fight your DUI. That is why you need an experienced law firm like the Law Office of McKamey & Williams on your side to fight for anything you may be entitled to. A high percentage of individuals who are cited for a DUI are ultimately convicted in Florida. Depending on the severity of your DUI, penalties for first time offenders can include:  

  • Up to $2,000 in fines 
  • 180 days to oneyear license suspension 
  • Ignition lock device for up to six months
  • 50 hours of required community service
  • Up to six months in jail 
  • Probation of up to one year 
  • Attending 12 hours of DUI School  

Don’t Do the Crime if You Can’t Do the Time 

If it’s your second offense, you can expect greater fines and jail times to double. All in all, you don’t want to do any jail time. Our highly trained and experienced team of attorneys at the Law Office of McKamey & Williams can help fight to lessen your DUI charge in West Palm Beach. We have successfully represented clients on federal and state court levels. Getting the best DUI defense in West Palm Beach starts with the hiring of the most aggressive defense team—a team who will be there with you from start to finish. There is an extensive process for DUI arrests that often involve multiple court appearances, a trial, a court appeal, and then other legal processes and documents to file. Let our legal team help you navigate the Florida court system and the often-confusing legalese that may be hard to interpret. Choosing our knowledgeable team to fight for your rights in a court of law is a step in the right direction. We want to ensure that you get the best possible defense for your case. Don’t let a DUI charge ruin any chance of a better life for you in the future. You can change it all with one call to the Law Office of McKamey & Williams in West Palm Beach at (561) 370-7424.

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