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What Does a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Do?

What Does a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Do?

Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

We want the best for our children. They are the future, after all, so we strive to help them grow and become the best possible versions of themselves. However, it’s important to remember that children are just as human as we are, if not more so; they are young, impulsive, and inexperienced. This can lead to trouble, some of which you may be able to anticipate and prevent. Other issues, such as run-ins with the law, may be more difficult to handle. In these situations, a juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach can help. Here’s what you need to know about what the Law Office of McKamey & Williams can do for you. 

Protect Client Rights 

Our top priority in all cases is ensuring the rights of our clients are honored at all phases of the legal process. Children and young adults are especially vulnerable, as they are often unaware of their rights and how to invoke them. Law enforcement and prosecutors may take advantage of this naivety to force confessions or get incriminating information. Don’t let your child get tricked into a bad situation; hiring a juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach from the Law Office of McKamey & Williams. We ensure your child’s rights are not violated and they have the best chance at a favorable outcome. 

Provide Legal Guidance from the Beginning 

When your child gets in trouble, they turn to you for help and guidance, but who can you turn to? The legal professionals at the Law Office of McKamey & Williams. We know how confusing and scary dealing with the legal system can be, so we are here to guide your through the entire process. Get in contact with us as soon as possible so we can help things go as smoothly as possible. 

With Patrick McKamey as your juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach, you can rest easy knowing you have over 20 years of experience on your side. 

Evidence Gathering and Expert Witnesses 

When building your child’s defense, having a defense lawyer on your side can make all the difference. The legal team at the Law Office of McKamey & Williams provide access to resources you otherwise would not have, such as the ability to gather and submit relevant evidence and expert testimony. Without the authority of an attorney or the support of a legal team, you and your team may be left to the mercy of the legal system.  

Video surveillance, witness testimonies, and expert dispositions may all be necessary for pleading your child’s case in the court room. A juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach can help secure these and other vital components to your child’s defense. 

Mitigation with a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach 

Avoiding trial is your child’s best bet when it comes to dealing with legal issues. Being able to settle out of court is ideal, with either a complete dismissal or minimal sentencing as the goal. Depending on the details of the case, your child’s record, and other factors, pre-trial mitigation may be possible.  

The Law Office of McKamey & Williams has the knowledge and experience to determine your best next steps. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

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