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Juvenile Defense

7 Reasons You Need To Hire Solicitation of a Minor Defense Attorney

Gavel and legal books on a wood desk.

Solicitation of a minor is a fairly common term thanks to the infamous American reality TV show called “To Catch a Predator.” But not everyone can fully grasp the technical terminology and its meaning. The lawful term carries a quite dark meaning behind these words that express how a person engages in a discussion or carries a conversation with a minor “soliciting” someone under the legal age to participate in sexual activities. While many people may believe that due to the liberal outlook of a state, solicitation of a minor is not a severe crime, it is far from the...

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What if My Child Is Charged and Arrested?

Juvenile Defense Attorney, South Florida | Juvenile Defense Lawyer

No parent is mentally prepared to learn their child has been charged with a criminal offense. The initial distress and shock of an arrest can be too much to handle for most parents. After all, you didn't raise your child like this, but now you are in deep water. As a concerned parent, you want to hire the best juvenile defense attorney. West Palm Beach parents should know that Florida state's Sunshine law does keep some juvenile records confidential but not all of them. As per section 943.053 Florida Statutes, juvenile felony records are not protected, and the Florida...

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My Child Was Charged with Drug Possession—What Should I Do?

Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

Getting an unexpected phone call from the police isn’t something any parent enjoys. The jolt of fear that comes with getting that call runs bone deep. Our minds immediately go to every parent’s worst nightmare, so learning instead the officer is informing you of your child’s arrest is a secondary shock to the system. As parents, our impulse is to help our children, and with a juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach, you can protect your child’s future.  What Parents Should Know About Juvenile Drug Charges  Unlike other charges which may be handled in a court of law differently based on the defendant’s age, drug possession carries...

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Can a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Help Your Family?

Juvenile Defense Attorney | Juvenile Lawyer

Crimes charged against juveniles are different from those charged against adults. If you have a child who has been charged with a crime and is under 18 years old, they will be charged as a juvenile. Juvenile charges and punishment are typically more geared toward helping the young person get back on the right track. Instead of just sending the juvenile to jail, oftentimes the punishment is more geared toward rehabilitation than time spent behind bars. If you need a juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach contact the Law Office of McKamey & Williams, today. We have a team...

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What Does a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Do?

Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

We want the best for our children. They are the future, after all, so we strive to help them grow and become the best possible versions of themselves. However, it’s important to remember that children are just as human as we are, if not more so; they are young, impulsive, and inexperienced. This can lead to trouble, some of which you may be able to anticipate and prevent. Other issues, such as run-ins with the law, may be more difficult to handle. In these situations, a juvenile defense attorney in West Palm Beach can help. Here’s what you need to know...

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Criminal Defense You Can Trust

Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm

Being indicted with a criminal charge is no light matter. If you are convicted, you may lose your freedom, your job, or your family. To protect yourself, if you're facing criminal charges, you should seek legal representation from a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney. Patrick R. McKamey has not only the know-how to be your representative in the legal system, but the integrity and dedication to see each case through. Whether you are a defendant or victim, Patrick R. Mckamey serves his clients in the West Palm Beach area for a wide variety of criminal charges at local, state and...

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Five Benefits of Hiring a Juvenile Defense Attorney

man in handcuffs

The mistakes of our youth shouldn’t haunt us for the rest of our lives. As children or teenagers, we don’t understand the full implications of certain actions. Though teens may want to be treated as adults, they are not. Teenagers or prone to acting on impulse, led by emotions and not thinking about the consequences. Unfortunately, a momentary lapse in judgement can have serious and lasting consequence. If your teen is facing legal troubles, hiring an experienced juvenile defense attorney like the Law Office of McKamey & Williams in West Palm Beach can make all the difference in shaping their...

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In Need of a Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach?

Defense Attorney West Palm Beach

Why Do I Need A Juvenile Defense Attorney?  If you find yourself facing juvenile offense charges, it can be one of the scariest times of your life. The first thing to note is that if you choose to set yourself on the right path now, you may have a bright future ahead of you—so don’t despair. But the first thing you’re going to need is an excellent juvenile defense attorney.  At the Law Office of McKamey & Williams, we have the experience to understand the impact juvenile charges can have on your life and future. Dealing with the court system at...

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How Can a West Palm Beach Drug Lawyer Help Me?

Criminal Defense Lawyer West Palm Beach

Drug and alcohol crimes are one of the most common criminal offenses. Whether it’s possession, distribution, or manufacturing, a drug crime is a drug crime. The penalties vary from misdemeanors to trafficking offenses, leading to serious jail time. At Law Office of McKamey & Williams, we strongly advise hiring our drug lawyers in West Palm Beach. Though we know many individuals think they can fight their battles on their own, this is one that will require help. Call a Drug Lawyer Today! No two crimes are ever the same, meaning that our drug lawyers treat our clients as individuals. It’s crucial that...

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Trust an Experienced West Palm Juvenile Defense Attorney

As a parent or guardian, nothing is more traumatizing than knowing that your child is going to juvenile court. With the thousands of cases that are seen every day, it still doesn’t make the situation easier. At the Law Office of McKamey & Williams, we know how overwhelming this process can be for families, and that’s why we’re here to help. Luckily young people are treated differently than they would be if they were charged as adults. In general, the justice system wants to give young people a second chance, and the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Juvenile cases are...

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