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How Can I Fight My Drug Charge in West Palm Beach?


If you’ve been found with drugs in your possession in the state of Florida, it can be considered a misdemeanor or a felony, a more serious charge, depending on the circumstances. For example, the possession of heroin as opposed to Marijuana which is now legal in some states, but not in Florida, would bear a heavier charge. So, it depends on the type of drug involved as well as the circumstances that caused you to become involved with that particular drug or drugs in the first place. Is the drug for personal use or did you have intent to sell?...

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I Got a DUI in West Palm Beach—Can I Fight It?

Criminal Trial Attorney in West Palm Beach

DUI offenses continue to be one of the main causes of accidents and deaths in the state of Florida. Although in recent years, the numbers have thankfully shown some downtrend. It’s an unfortunate situation all around, one that spurs more and more driving school courses that essentially convey this simple advice--don’t drink and drive! Yet, so many drivers are out there on the road are intoxicated, choosing to ignore this state mandated mantra. It stands to reason that you don’t want to get caught drinking and driving in the state of Florida. If you do get caught, you could be facing...

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Five Benefits of Hiring a Juvenile Defense Attorney

man in handcuffs

The mistakes of our youth shouldn’t haunt us for the rest of our lives. As children or teenagers, we don’t understand the full implications of certain actions. Though teens may want to be treated as adults, they are not. Teenagers or prone to acting on impulse, led by emotions and not thinking about the consequences. Unfortunately, a momentary lapse in judgement can have serious and lasting consequence. If your teen is facing legal troubles, hiring an experienced juvenile defense attorney like the Law Office of McKamey & Williams in West Palm Beach can make all the difference in shaping their...

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Three Important Aspects of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Patirck McKamey

When your freedom is at stake, having the best representation possible on your side is crucial to determining the course of your future. Whether you’re facing misdemeanor or felony charges, a criminal trial attorney in West Palm Beach will fight on your behalf for the best possible outcome. This can be reduced charges, dismissal, or seeking minimal sentencing. Outside of the courtroom, a criminal defense lawyer helps you to understand all of your options and what to expect should your case go to trial. Don’t put your future in the wrong hands. These are the five most important things to look...

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Sex Crimes Defense in West Palm Beach Needs to be Tried and True

Law Office of McKamey & Williams

When you need the best Sex Crimes Defense in West Palm Beach, the Law Office of McKamey & Williams has the years of experience and the unique knowledge to give you the best defense you deserve. With over 20 years of experience, our team of expert attorneys have the insight and know-how to navigate the often-confusing maze of the legal system to give you the best representation you’ll need. Don’t Take Chances with Your Reputation Most often, an attorney will try to plead your case without the need for a formal trial. When your reputation is on the line, why risk ruining...

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Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach

Law Office of McKamey & Williams

When you’re faced with criminal charges, it can be difficult to know what to do. Where to go, who to see, what’s the most appropriate way to proceed. Many questions come to mind, and you could enter a state of mental paralysis. At The Law Office of McKamey & Williams, we understand the seriousness and hardship you’re facing, and we are committed to providing you with unparalleled legal counsel and representation. There’s no need to confront this on your own, a criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach can assist you.   Being charged with a crime is something that nobody ever wants to have to go...

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How a DUI Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach can Provide Relief

Juvenile Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

Despite knowing that drunk driving can come with harsh consequences, it doesn't stop people from needing a DUI defense attorney in West Palm Beach. A DUI is considered a criminal act and is certainly treated as such in the courtroom. In fact, judges are hard on defendants, as they feel that it’s a well-known fact and extremely negligent, selfish, and dangerous. However, an experienced DUI defense attorney can help those who are being prosecuted restart, and find relief.    A DUI Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach is a Must   DUI charges are too severe to go through a trial without an expert in law at...

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An Experienced DUI Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Can Build Your Case

man in handcuffs

You had way too much to drink, and then you got behind the wheel of a car, an action you now regret. An officer of the law pulled you over, and now you have been hit with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) – an offense under Florida law. You need a good lawyer, and you need one, quickly. When looking for the services of an experienced DUI Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach, call the Law Office of McKamey & Williams Call Now if You Need a DUI Defense Attorney West Palm Beach (561) 379-7424 It’s crucial for you to meet with a...

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A Great Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach Will Help You Fight Your Case

Attorney West Palm Beach

You’re in trouble – and face criminal charges. You need someone you can trust on your side. You need someone who will fight for you in the courtroom. If you need the services of an experienced, compassionate criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach, call the Law Office of McKamey & Williams We’ll get it done! If You’ve Broken the Law, You Need an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach Criminal charges are not to be taken lightly. You could be looking at some lengthy jail time. Like most other states, Florida groups criminal offenses into main categories: misdemeanors and...

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You Need to Hire a Drug Lawyer in West Palm Beach for Your Drug Violation

man in handcuffs

Drug violations are among the most common crimes committed in Florida, home to some of the strictest drug laws in the nation. It doesn’t matter if you were arrested for drug possession or drug trafficking, you’re going to need to talk to a drug lawyer. If you’re looking for a proven drug lawyer in West Palm Beach, you’re in the right spot. The experienced team of lawyers at The Law Office of McKamey & Williams are ready to defend you. The Best Drug Lawyer in West Palm Beach Will Defend You Vigorously Florida law defines drug trafficking as the intentional sale, purchase,...

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