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White Collar Crime

What Drug Offenses Are Considered White Collar Crimes?

Drug Lawyer West Palm Beach, FL | Drug Crimes Defense | Drug Attorney

Studies show that most white-collar criminals are employed full-time middle-aged men who generally engage in their first white-collar crime anytime between their late 30s to their mid-40s and come from a middle-class socioeconomic status. Most of them have a college degree, are married, and usually have modest to strong links to their local community, families, and religious groups, to name a few characteristics. White-collar criminals frequently have a criminal background, including violations that cover the range of criminality, although most do not overindulge in crime. Recent research exploring the five-factor personality characteristic model revealed that white-collar criminals appear to be quite neurotic and...

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What You Should Do If Charged with White-Collar Crime

Criminal Trial Attorney | Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a white-collar crime in the West Palm Beach area, it is important to understand your rights and what you should do next. This crime is a serious charge that can result in significant penalties if you are convicted. You need an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer on your side to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Here are the things you should do. 1. Learn All You Can About Your Charges The first thing to do is learn as much as you can about your particular crime charges. This...

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Facing Federal Charges in the West Palm Beach Area?

Judge signing papers with a gavel on his desk.

If you or someone you love is facing federal charges in the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County areas, you need a federal criminal defense lawyer now. When the government becomes involved in your matter, it’s usually because you’re faced with a serious federal offense. When you find yourself facing the government’s full force of authority, you must reach out for the experienced help and guidance of a federal lawyer to obtain the best possible outcome of your case. Your federal defense attorney will fully defend your legal rights and seek to exploit any weaknesses in the opponent’s...

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Under What Circumstances Do You Need a White Collar Crime Attorney in West Palm Beach?

White Collar Crime Attorney West Palm Beach

White collar crime is something that catches the headlines, but you don’t know much about it. You could be dealing with a misdemeanor or felony depending on the scope of the charges. Typically, the majority of white collar criminals are older, well educated, and come from good families. These are not the usual criminals that commit these acts and this is what makes things confusing. When you are charged with a white collar crime, it is critical to get the best lawyers that specialize in these cases. Here are the most common circumstances when you should seek out a white...

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Planning Your White-Collar Defense in West Palm Beach

Criminal Defense Attorney, West Palm Beach, FL | Criminal Defense Lawyer

Commonly referred to as white-collar crimes, these are widely categorized offenses and not always easy to pinpoint on any individual or business entity. Suppose you have been accused of a crime of this nature. In that case, it is imperative that you understand the allegations made against you and take immediate action to obtain adequate legal defense for the criminal proceedings to come. White-Collar Crime Accusations Business and government officials alike are susceptible to being slammed with an accusation of committing a white-collar offense. In 1939, Edwin Sutherland defined white-collar offenses as "fraudulent behaviors with financial backing." Since then, the term has...

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Finding a Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney West Palm Beach | Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you have been charged with a white-collar, or non-violent, financially benefiting offenses, you need an attorney who knows how to clear your name. At the Law Office of Patrick R. McKamey, P.A, we have attorneys who have knowledge, experience, and success in representing clients with their Federal Criminal Defense. You need to make sure you hire a lawyer to represent you as soon as possible after being accused or charged with a white-collar offense who will offer their expertise to get you acquitted. White-collar crimes damage reputations and can destroy a person’s personal and professional lives well before a conviction takes place....

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Criminal Defense You Can Trust

Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm

Being indicted with a criminal charge is no light matter. If you are convicted, you may lose your freedom, your job, or your family. To protect yourself, if you're facing criminal charges, you should seek legal representation from a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney. Patrick R. McKamey has not only the know-how to be your representative in the legal system, but the integrity and dedication to see each case through. Whether you are a defendant or victim, Patrick R. Mckamey serves his clients in the West Palm Beach area for a wide variety of criminal charges at local, state and...

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White Collar Crime: What You Need to Know


When it comes to conducting business, reputation is everything. No matter what your industry, how people perceive you and your brand is crucial to growth and financial success. In the current internet age, it’s likely that many of your clients or potential business partners will have heard about you before you ever meet them. At the very least, they will likely do their research to get a good idea of who you are and what your business represents.  Being charged with a white-collar crime can put your reputation in jeopardy and bring your business to a screeching halt. If you find...

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Understanding and Preparing for Trial


Facing trial for criminal charges can be the most stressful and terrifying time in anyone’s life. With your future and reputation on the line, it’s important to understand exactly what is about to happen. While a criminal trial attorney in West Palm Beach will be responsible for presenting your defense before the court, it’s easy to get lost and confused by all the legal lingo and formal proceedings. As you are preparing for trial, here are the most important things you need to know. Pre-Trial The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishes your right to a fair and speedy trial as...

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Three Important Aspects of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Patirck McKamey

When your freedom is at stake, having the best representation possible on your side is crucial to determining the course of your future. Whether you’re facing misdemeanor or felony charges, a criminal trial attorney in West Palm Beach will fight on your behalf for the best possible outcome. This can be reduced charges, dismissal, or seeking minimal sentencing. Outside of the courtroom, a criminal defense lawyer helps you to understand all of your options and what to expect should your case go to trial. Don’t put your future in the wrong hands. These are the five most important things to look...

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